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How to completely remove Snaps? Install voidlinux

Ubuntu Linux is on a dark path these days. I used Debian on a lot of servers in the early 2000s, and like RedHat Enterprise, the Debian Stable stuff is just too old... So having a team "stabilize" Debian's Unstable distribution every six months was a fantastic idea and it worked well for a long time.

Unfortunately there is a big disconnect between who the Ubuntu team wants to serve and it's regular users. Sadly, Wayland seems to have this same disconnect, but that's another rant.

Snaps are just so awful. They break your themes, break your plugins and thus your workflow, block your access to files, clutter up your process list and mount list. Containerization is a great idea AS LONG AS you don't reduce function... So far, containerization on the desktop is not working. I would much rather use a heaver QubesOS like model rather than kind of working but breaking tons of advanced use cases.

voidlinux is an awesome alternative to Ubuntu:

  • Gets rid of Systemd, using very simple runit scripts for services
  • Void is not a FORK of anything. It's a new Linux developed from scratch.
  • It's a "Stable rolling release" distro, while Arch just focuses on Bleeding Edge rolling releases (that occasionally blow up in my face)
  • Easily install any Debian package with xdeb
    • I used it for Zoom, Opera and Jumpapp
  • Enjoy the super simple xbps package system
    • sudo xbps-install -Svu to update the cache the first time
    • sudo xbps-install etckeeper to install etckeeper
    • sudo xbps-install xtools to install xlocate
  • xlocate is a very fast replacement for apt-file search, just type xlocate '/xlocate$' it accepts any regex and will help you find any file inside of any xbps package, even the ones you haven't installed.
  • void is a minimal distro without any bloat

To get the install started, you just download the voidlinux ISO, which will startup a voidlinux live image. Open the terminal and run sudo void-installer - the password is "voidlinux".

That's basically it. Once you're booted into your own voidlinux install, install xtools and run xlocate to find whatever you're missing. Here's my list of daily use tools if you need something to help get started.

# Refresh the XBPS-Cache
sudo xbps-install -Svu

# Always start with etckeeper
sudo xbps-install etckeeper

# Install generic utilities
sudo xbps-install htop neofetch python3 sqlite kitty kitty-terminfo 
sudo xbps-install ddcutil mlocate ntp
sudo xbps-install tree ranger tmux screen direnv mosh fzf fzy
sudo xbps-install bind-utils git curl wget whois netcat socat
sudo xbps-install flameshot zsh xtools syncthing cheat sxhkd
sudo xbps-install rofi aws-cli zathura tdrop mpg123 mp3info 
sudo xbps-install xsel xmodmap xev xrandr wmctrl jump
sudo xbps-install binutils tar curl xbps xz bash-completion
sudo xbps-install base-devel

# KDE Plasma Desktop
sudo xbps-install plasma-desktop
sudo xbps-install kde5-baseapps kde-cli-tools qt5-tools
sudo xbps-install kdegraphics-thumbnailers ffmpegthumbs kwallet-pam
sudo xbps-install ksshaskpass kwalletmanager 
sudo xbps-install pavucontrol-qt pavucontrol